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Life, at times, throws everybody curve balls. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know th
Life, at times, throws everybody curve balls. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know th
Life, at times, throws everybody curve balls. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know th
Life, at times, throws everybody curve balls. Everyone deserves the opportunity to know th


Please share your story with us! 
Feel free to answer the questions below or share your own information. 

  • If you signed up for Medicaid or a Marketplace Plan, how did your coverage and costs change?

  • What has gaining health insurance coverage meant for you and your family? 

  • How was having in-person assistance with applying for health insurance helpful to you? 

  • Why is it important for you and others to get covered?

  When you submit your testimonial, it will be emailed to our team. Thank you for sharing your story! 


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